Week 5 - Groundhog Predictions

(ns tidy-tuesdays.2024.week05.groundhog
   [aerial.hanami.templates :as ht]
   [scicloj.noj.v1.vis.hanami :as hanami]
   [tablecloth.api :as tc]
   [scicloj.kindly.v4.kind :as kind]))


From Wikipedia:

Groundhog Day is a tradition observed regionally in the United States and Canada on February 2 of every year. It derives from the Pennsylvania Dutch superstition that if a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day and sees its shadow, it will retreat to its den and winter will go on for six more weeks; if it does not see its shadow, spring will arrive early. In 2024, an early spring was predicted.


Defining the datasets…

(def ds-groundhogs
  (tc/dataset groundhogs-source {:key-fn keyword}))
(def ds-predictions
  (tc/dataset predictions-source {:key-fn keyword}))

The data source is Groundhog-day.com, the datasets here were prepared as part of the Tidy Tuesdays official repo.

Likelihood of Spring

The ‘predictions’ dataset marks whether a groundhog sees their own shadow as either “TRUE” or “FALSE” in the :shadow column. Let’s write a function to aggregate those values into an percentage likelihood that ‘Spring’ will come early (i.e., if the groundhog doesn’t see their shadow.)

(defn calculate-likelihood-spring [shadow-col]
  (when (seq shadow-col)
      (let [valids (remove nil? shadow-col)
            total  (count valids)
            falses (count (filter #(= "FALSE" %) shadow-col))]
        (if (pos? falses)
          (float (/ falses total))
(def consensus-predictions
  (-> ds-predictions
      (tc/group-by :year)
      (tc/aggregate {:spring-likelihood #(calculate-likelihood-spring (% :shadow))})
      (tc/map-columns :prediction [:spring-likelihood]
                         (= % 0.5) "Tie"
                         (< % 0.5) "Winter"
                         :else     "Spring"))
      (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :year})))

A first look at the likelihood of ‘Spring’ coming early over the time period:

(-> consensus-predictions
    (hanami/plot ht/line-chart
                 {:X :year
                  :XTYPE :temporal
                  :Y :spring-likelihood
                  :WIDTH 700
                  :SIZE 2}))

As we can see, since 1970, the likelihood of a prediction of an early Spring has increased. However, it has also tended toward a 50% chance of an early Spring being predicted. In years prior to 1970, an early Spring was very unlikely to be predicted, with only three instances where the groundhog didn’t see their own shadow from around 1986 to 1943 (57 years).

Below are a few more attempts to visualise this phenomena:

(-> consensus-predictions
    (hanami/plot ht/point-chart
                 {:Y :prediction :YTYPE :nominal
                  :X :year :XTYPE :temporal
                  :MSIZE 100
                  :WIDTH 700
                  :HEIGHT 100
                  :COLOR {:field :spring-likelihood :type :quantitative}}))

Another visualisation of the same phenomena, with the ‘Tie’ cases removed, and taking only the years since 1970:

 {:$schema "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json"
  :data {:values (-> consensus-predictions
                     (tc/drop-rows #(= "Tie" (% :prediction)))
                     (tc/drop-rows #(> 1970 (% :year)))
                     (tc/rows :as-maps))}
  :mark :rect
  :width 700
  :encoding {:y {:field :prediction :type :nominal}
             :x {:field :year :type :ordinal}
             :color {:field :spring-likelihood :type :quantitative
                     :scale {:scheme "blueorange"}}}
  :config {:axis {:grid true :tickBand :extent}}})

In earlier years, there was only one groundhog. It seems that as more and more groundhogs were added, there was more disagreement, with the result that 50-50 predictions were more likely.

For context, here is how the number of groundhogs have increased over time:

(-> ds-predictions
    (tc/group-by :year)
    (tc/aggregate {:groundhogs #(count (% :id))})
    (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :year})
    (hanami/plot ht/line-chart
                 {:X :year :XTYPE :temporal
                  :Y :groundhogs
                  :MSIZE 5}))



Let’s see how the groundhogs are spread out geographically. The first map is the U.S. groundhogs, and the second is the Canadian ones.

 {:$schema "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json"
  :width 500
  :height 300
  :layer [{:data {:values (slurp "resources/data/topo/states-10m.json")
                  :format {:type "topojson" :feature "states"}}
           :projection {:type "albersUsa"}
           :mark {:type :geoshape
                  :fill "lightgray"
                  :stroke "white"}}

          {:data {:values (-> ds-groundhogs
                              (tc/select-rows #(= "USA" (% :country)))
                              (tc/group-by :name)
                              (tc/aggregate {:lng #(first (% :longitude))
                                             :lat #(first (% :latitude))
                                             :type #(first (% :type))})
                              (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :name})
                              (tc/rows :as-maps))}
           :projection {:type "albersUsa"}
           :mark :circle
           :encoding {:longitude {:field :lng}
                      :latitude {:field :lat}
                      :size {:value 80}
                      :color {:field :type :type :nominal}}}]})
 {:$schema "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json"
  :width 500
  :height 300
  :layer [{:data {:values (slurp "resources/data/topo/canadaprovtopo.json")
                  :format {:type "topojson" :feature "canadaprov"}}
           :projection {:type "albers"}
           :mark {:type :geoshape
                  :fill "lightgray"
                  :stroke "white"}}

          {:data {:values (-> ds-groundhogs
                              (tc/select-rows #(= "Canada" (% :country)))
                              (tc/group-by :name)
                              (tc/aggregate {:lng #(first (% :longitude))
                                             :lat #(first (% :latitude))
                                             :type #(first (% :type))})
                              (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :name})
                              (tc/rows :as-maps))}
           :projection {:type "albers"}
           :mark :circle
           :encoding {:longitude {:field :lng}
                      :latitude {:field :lat}
                      :size {:value 80}
                      :color {:field :type :type :nominal}}}]})


As we can see, there are lots of different kinds of ‘groundhogs’. Let’s look at the most common types:

(-> ds-groundhogs
    (tc/group-by :type)
    (tc/aggregate {:count #(tc/row-count %)})
    (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :type})
    (hanami/plot ht/bar-chart
                 {:Y :type :YTYPE :nominal :YSORT "-x"
                  :X :count
                  :HEIGHT 500}))

My personal favourite is the ‘Atlantic Lobster’ groundhog (Lucy the Lobster).

Regional Bias (2023)

Let’s group the groundhogs by state, and see if there is a difference in likelihood to predict a ‘spring’ by region for the year 2023.

First, we have to join the two datasets:

(def joined-2023-regional-average
  (-> ds-predictions
      (tc/select-rows #(= 2023 (% :year)))
      (tc/inner-join ds-groundhogs :id)
      (tc/select-rows #(= "USA" (% :country)))
      (tc/group-by :region)
      (tc/aggregate {:regional-spring-likelihood
                     #(calculate-likelihood-spring (% :shadow))})
      (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :state})))

Then, the map: (missing states are white)

 {:$schema "https://vega.github.io/schema/vega-lite/v5.json"
  :width 500
  :height 300
  :data {:values (slurp "resources/data/topo/states-10m.json")
         :format {:type "topojson" :feature "states"}}
  :transform [{:lookup "properties.name"
               :from {:data {:values (-> joined-2023-regional-average
                                         (tc/rows :as-maps))}
                      :fields [:regional-spring-likelihood]
                      :key :state}}]
  :mark "geoshape"
  :encoding {:color {:field :regional-spring-likelihood :type :quantitative
                     :scale {:scheme "blueorange"}}}
  :projection {:type "albersUsa"}})

As would be expected, the southern groundhogs were more likely to predict an early Spring in 2023.

Groundhog ‘Type’ Bias?

Are specific ‘types’ of groundhogs more likely to predict an early spring?

First, let’s write a function to aggregate the historical predictions given a groundhog id.

(defn average-predictions-by-id [id]
  (-> ds-predictions
      (tc/select-rows #(= id (% :id)))

Here are all the individual groundhogs and their ‘likelihood’ of predicting and early spring based on their historical predictions:

(-> ds-groundhogs
    (tc/select-columns [:id :name :region :predictions_count])
    (tc/map-columns :spring-likelihood [:id]
                    #(average-predictions-by-id %))
    (hanami/plot ht/bar-chart
                 {:X :spring-likelihood
                  :Y :name :YTYPE :nominal :YSORT "-x"
                  :COLOR {:field :predictions_count :type :quantitative}
                  :HEIGHT 1000}))

General Beauregard Lee, the groundhog from Georgia, seems quite optimistic about early springs!

Let’s look at the likelihood of predicting Spring by type of groundhog:

(defn average-predictions-by-multiple-ids [ids]
   (for [id ids]
     (-> ds-predictions (tc/select-rows #(= id (% :id))) :shadow))
   (reduce concat)
(-> ds-groundhogs
    (tc/select-columns [:id :type])
    (tc/group-by :type)
    (tc/aggregate {:agg-spring-likelihood #(average-predictions-by-multiple-ids (% :id))})
    (tc/order-by :agg-spring-likelihood :desc)
    (tc/rename-columns {:$group-name :type})
    (hanami/plot ht/bar-chart
                 {:Y :type :YTYPE :nominal :YSORT "-x"
                  :YTITLE "Groundhog Type"
                  :X :agg-spring-likelihood
                  :XTITLE "Likelihood of Predicting Spring %"
                  :HEIGHT 500}))

It’s interesting to see that the actual groundhogs sit somewhere in the middle.


There are two possible conclusions here:

  1. The original groundhog (Punxsutawney Phil) is a bit of a pessimist/recluse. For many years he saw his shadow and predicted long Winters. As more and more groundhogs were added to the tradition, a more balanced ‘consensus’ emerged, whereby there is now more chance of an early Spring being predicted (c. 50%).

  2. The tradition is somehow rooted in science, and the increased instances of early Springs are reflective of global warming. Groundhogs are further strengthening the consensus of the scientific community!

source: src/tidy_tuesdays/2024/week05/groundhog.clj